• Banniere CEISM
    Centre d’études et d’interventions en santé mentale (CÉISM)
    En savoir plus
Preliminary efficacy of family CBT in children aged 4-7 years with comorbid anxiety disorder and ADHD.

Autrices et auteurs : Audrey Dufour, Marie-France de Lafontaine, Sandra Hébert, Juliette Monette, Guillaume Foldes-Busque et Isabelle Denis

Résumé de l'affiche : 

Context: Up to 28% of preschoolers with an anxiety disorder also have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Despite this high prevalence, no study has examined the effectiveness of family cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in this population.

Objective: The study aims to evaluate the efficacy of a family-based CBT for comorbid anxiety disorder and ADHD in preschoolers. It aims to document the effect of the intervention on anxiety disorders, anxiety and ADHD symptoms, and parental stress.

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